You smile what you eat. Okay, so that’s not exactly how the motto goes, but the truth is, the foods you eat can be as important to the maintenance of those pearly whites as brushing and flossing. By making better food choices, patients can aid in the fight against bacteria, plaque and other germs that cause bad breath and tooth decay over time. Mixing these 10 chomper-friendly foods into your meals will help you avoid frequent trips to the dentist and ensure your smile stays fresh and bright for years to come.
1. Cheese
Oh c’mon, this one should be easy to remember. What else do you associate with “cheese” but a big, bright, bountiful smile? A cube a day can help to rebuild tooth enamel and kill cavity-causing bacteria.
Oh c’mon, this one should be easy to remember. What else do you associate with “cheese” but a big, bright, bountiful smile? A cube a day can help to rebuild tooth enamel and kill cavity-causing bacteria.
2. Celery
Let’s face it, chewing celery is not for the fainthearted. You work up a sweat chomping on hearty raw vegetables like celery and carrots. The good news is all that extra chewing creates extra saliva in your mouth that can help fight bacteria that causes gum disease. It also helps to clean other food particles from your teeth.
Let’s face it, chewing celery is not for the fainthearted. You work up a sweat chomping on hearty raw vegetables like celery and carrots. The good news is all that extra chewing creates extra saliva in your mouth that can help fight bacteria that causes gum disease. It also helps to clean other food particles from your teeth.
3. Parsley
Just when you thought those fancy green twigs on the plate were for show only, someone goes and finds a use for them. Parsley actually helps to keep your breath fresh after a meal. A substance in parsley called monoterpene moves quickly through your bloodstream once digested and emits a smell through your lungs that naturally freshens your breath.
Just when you thought those fancy green twigs on the plate were for show only, someone goes and finds a use for them. Parsley actually helps to keep your breath fresh after a meal. A substance in parsley called monoterpene moves quickly through your bloodstream once digested and emits a smell through your lungs that naturally freshens your breath.

It’s probably a little strange to think that the arch enemy of fresh breath could have any positive effect on your teeth, but it’s true. Raw onions can also help to kill various bacteria in your mouth that could lead to tooth decay. So feel free to skip the onions. But please enjoy a post-meal brushing for dessert.
5. Kiwi
Kiwis are loaded with vitamin C, which increase the collagen in your gums and make them stronger. Enjoy them on a fruit salad for lunch — yummy strength training for your gums!
Kiwis are loaded with vitamin C, which increase the collagen in your gums and make them stronger. Enjoy them on a fruit salad for lunch — yummy strength training for your gums!
6. Sesame seeds
Like celery and carrots, these little darlings help to scrape plaque off your teeth and are also surprisingly packed with loads of calcium that make your teeth and gums stronger and healthier.
Like celery and carrots, these little darlings help to scrape plaque off your teeth and are also surprisingly packed with loads of calcium that make your teeth and gums stronger and healthier.
7. Shiitake mushrooms
Another antibacterial shocker, these mushrooms contain a sugar that helps to prevent plaque from forming on your teeth.
Another antibacterial shocker, these mushrooms contain a sugar that helps to prevent plaque from forming on your teeth.
8. Wasabi
Talk about a hot commodity. Piling up the punchy green paste alongside your favorite Asian cuisine will also help to fight cavities by preventing certain bacteria from growing in your mouth.
Talk about a hot commodity. Piling up the punchy green paste alongside your favorite Asian cuisine will also help to fight cavities by preventing certain bacteria from growing in your mouth.
9. Green tea
Add another positive to the list of things green tea can do: stimulate, soothe, and save your teeth. Whether you enjoy yours hot or cold, sipping regularly will help prevent cavities and freshen your breath.
Add another positive to the list of things green tea can do: stimulate, soothe, and save your teeth. Whether you enjoy yours hot or cold, sipping regularly will help prevent cavities and freshen your breath.
10. Water
For the majority of good eats gurus and health and fitness enthusiasts, water can do no wrong. It hydrates, cleanses, quenches and cleans, but it also helps to build saliva which naturally fights cavity and plaque-causing bacteria.
For the majority of good eats gurus and health and fitness enthusiasts, water can do no wrong. It hydrates, cleanses, quenches and cleans, but it also helps to build saliva which naturally fights cavity and plaque-causing bacteria.
A Family Dental Care Center: Dr. Seth Rosen
2030 West Main St.
Jeffersonville, PA 19403