A tooth extraction is one of the most distressing dental procedures. A tooth extraction is taking the tooth out of its socket. A dentist will pull the tooth out of the bone.
If tooth decay causes your tooth to become cracked or damaged, the tooth might need to be removed. Your dentist will probably try to repair it with a filling or crown; however, in some cases, the tooth is beyond repair, so it needs to be extracted.
In addition, you might require tooth extraction if you have too many teeth in one area, and your mouth is too crowded. The permanent teeth come in before your baby teeth fall out, so the baby teeth need to be removed or other problems can occur. If you need braces, some teeth might need to be eliminated to make room for the teeth to become straight.
In some instances, individuals who are receiving cancer drugs could develop teeth problems. Radiation or chemotherapy could cause infection in a tooth because the drugs make the immune system weaker. If your teeth become infected, they need to be removed.
One of the most common types of teeth that need to be extracted is wisdom teeth. These teeth can cause pain, or they can become decayed. Sometimes they get impacted in the jaw, which can irritate the gums. Pain and swelling usually occurs, so the tooth needs to be removed.
When your dentist to evaluate your teeth, they will take an x-ray to decide the best way to eliminate the tooth. Before the procedure, he will ask you about your medical and dental history and if you are allergic to any medications. In some cases, antibiotics will be prescribed before the surgery to eliminate the risk of an infection.

A surgical extraction is a more difficult procedure. A tooth might be cracked or broken, or it might not be visible yet. The dentist will need to make an incision in your gums to remove the tooth. In some cases, the tooth will need to be cut in half, or some of the bone surrounding the tooth needs to be removed. The dentist might want to give you anesthesia through your vein, or they will give you general anesthesia.
Having problems with your teeth can be a traumatic experience. If you need a tooth extracted, contact us. We will make the procedure as painless as possible, so you can get the damaged tooth out of your mouth and the pain will be gone.
A Family Dental Care Center: Dr. Seth Rosen
2030 West Main St.
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