Coffee is the biggest offender when it comes to staining teeth. Most adults consume coffee on a fairly regular basis, with many of them drinking at least one full cup every single morning. Giving up caffeine cold turkey is not something that is possible for a lot of people. To mitigate the damage, one could start drinking her coffee through a straw. As silly as this would look, drinking through a straw would send the coffee straight to the back of her mouth, preventing her teeth from being constantly exposed to it. Adding a little bit of milk or cream to plain black coffee would be helpful as well. The calcium in milk fortifies the teeth, and dairy in general acts as a buffer against acidic substances.
Coffee drinkers should consider replacing one of their daily cups of coffee with a cup of white or green tea. Tea has a decent amount of caffeine and freshens the whole mouth. Black tea stains teeth, though not as badly as coffee does, so it is not a good substitute for coffee.
Orange juice is extremely acidic. It slowly dissolves the top layers of tooth enamel, wearing away the shiny top layers. The rough, underlying layers of the teeth are especially susceptible to staining. All citrus fruits have this effect on teeth. If one must drink fruit juice in the morning, she should not brush her teeth immediately after breakfast. Brushing right after the teeth have been weakened by fruit acid sweeps away more enamel.

Soda is another acidic beverage that settles into the teeth and damages the enamel. The chemicals that create carbonation cause this damage. The dark coloring in colas stains teeth very easily. Women who drink diet colas regularly are at risk for both weakened enamel and dark surface stains.
White wine is a surprising source of tooth damage. Like other acidic beverages, it softens and erodes enamel. Red wine does not cause this kind of damage, so wine drinkers could make the switch without too much trouble.
Anyone who is worried about tooth damage should visit a dentist. Whitening treatments could easily remove stains, and teeth could be strengthened with fluoride. While lost enamel cannot be replaced, there are ways to repair existing damage and prevent more damage from occurring in the future.
A Family Dental Care Center
2030 West Main St.
Jeffersonville, PA 19403
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